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Brooklyn, NY, United States
My name is Crystal, and my blog is all about the Knicks. I love the Knicks!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

100 million dollar contract

Allan Houston signed a 6 year 100 million dollar contract in 2001 with the New York Knicks. This was and still is said to be one of the most outragoues contracts offered. Like is the Knicks stupid, this guy is damn near 36 what the heck can he still do for you guys. yeah in his prime he was a beast but his prime has came and is long gone.

Allan himself is an idiot because he turned down offers from teams like the cavs and the mavs for the Knicks. Maybe he is not so dumb because he feels can get more playing time with the Knicks. The less then hopeful Knicks have only won 33 games the previous season, he could have definiately be a useful player for the cavs being as they needs shooters to help out LeBron James cause he know he cant do it all even though he is "King James"

Well he did get some playing time, but he had a knee injury (arthritis) which made him play only 70 games for the season. He could shoot for days but elsewhere he was dead weight. He only averaged 2.4 assists and 2.9 rebounds in his career. For his age thats pretty good, only cause most people's fathers are a few years younger than that and they can't even run up and down the court for 5 minutes without having to stop for water or begging for a heartstart machine.

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