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Brooklyn, NY, United States
My name is Crystal, and my blog is all about the Knicks. I love the Knicks!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

My favorite player!

Yes, Yes you should already know.. My favorite player is the one and only Nathaniel Robinson.

Before he went to the leauge he played in college ball at the University of Washington. His team made it to the NCAA basketball tournament, and to the sweet sixteen during his junior year. My baby was not always a basketball player he played football in college as well. And no they did not just knock him around because he was small, one game he caught an interception thrown by Matt Kegel the quarter back at Washington State which helped them win the game in triple overtime.

Nate was the 2007 and 2009 Sprite Dunk champion. He flies so high.. lol. In his 2007 winning dunk he jumped over spudd webb, and in 2009 he did his anti superman dunk against his competor Dwight Howard. Kryptonate was definiately a crowd pleaser, dwight howard's superman thing was okay but the kryptonate thing was the funniest, only cause he is so little and krypton is supermans weakness.

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