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Brooklyn, NY, United States
My name is Crystal, and my blog is all about the Knicks. I love the Knicks!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Knicks 2009-2010 Season

As the 2008- 2009 season comes to a close, early predictions for the New York Knicks begin to ponder in people's mine. David Lee and Nate Robinson both will be free from their contracts, should the Knicks ditch 'em or keep 'em? David Lee was one of the Knicks biggest contributor last season averaging 16 points per game, 11.7 rebounds per game and a free throw percentage of 75.5. Nate Robinson... need I say more. Standing at only 5 foot 9 inches, Nate Robinson has a vertical leap of 43.5 inches. Not only can this little guy fly but he has a quick first step to the basket that leaves his competitors in the dust. This season he averaged 17.2 points per game, a free throw percentage of .841 and a field goal percentage of .437. The two have brought the Knicks some what of success this season, even though they didn't make it to the playoffs this season.
Keeping Robinson and Lee will be one of the smartest things the Knicks general manager would have made. Like Oh My Gosh! why would he trade Jamal Crawford and Zach Randolph. Getting rid of Mardy Collins and Tim Thomas was a reasonable trade they wasn't nothing but dead weight anyway. Before the initial trade of Crawford and Randolph I predicted that the Knicks will end up in the second round in the playoffs, but we can all see how that turned out. The less than hopefull Knicks need players like Robinson and Lee to keep the fans energy level up and to continue to bring hope to the team. Even though Nate is not a star player he is one of the most looked at players, fans love his aligilty, his speed and his charisma. Even when the team is down by 20 Nate always try to put on a show. Lee built a special bond with the new guard Chris Duhon were the ran a pick and roll game all season, this chemistry is something special like how Shaq and Kobe had when they played together on the Lakers.

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