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Brooklyn, NY, United States
My name is Crystal, and my blog is all about the Knicks. I love the Knicks!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Crystal's Favorites!!

Wilson Chandler this season was his first year with the knicks but he let his presence be known. Averaging 14.4 points per game and a free throw percentage of 0.795. Even though his numbers was as high as a star players own would be, Chandler's intensity and motivation was that of a team leader.

Pass first score later is a saying you can say always runs threw Knicks guard Chris Duhon head. Duhon has 7
.2 assists thanks to his second half David Lee. The two ran a pick and roll game all season giving Lee record setting double doubles.

Light it up Q-Rich! One of the Knicks clinch 3 point shooters Quentin Richardson has pulled threw for the Knicks numerous amount of times. He is not a starter but his heart is always in the game. At 6 foot 6 inches nearly blinds all his defenders by shooting their eyes out. I would not stand to close to h
im when he has the ball only because i love my eyesight.

My Favorite of them all, even though he is only a few inches taller than me, his hops and speed amazes me. He is the smallest on the team but has the biggest heart. Nate Robinson aka
KryptoNATE a two time all star slam dunk winner is the definition of hope for the Knicks. If it was not for him I would be saying Knicks who? Who the heck is that? Nate has such a way of pleasing the crowd while he plays, I think he is the reason why people go to the garden to see the Knicks cause it surely aint for there winning record...

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